To enquire about enrolling your child at Branyan Road State School please contact us.
Enrolling your child at Branyan Road State School is a simple process. Contact the school to initiate the process.
Please be aware that Branyan Road State School has an Enrolment Management Plan (EMP). To see if you reside in our catchment area see this school catchment map.
The Branyan Road State School Parent Information Booklet provides detailed information on our programs, staffing and general everyday matters of school. This can be collected from the office or alternatively posted to you.
Download the Application for Student Enrolment Form (PDF, 344.54 KB) or contact the school to have an enrolment form faxed or posted to you.
Other enrolment forms that require completion when enrolling a student at Branyan Road State School include State school consent form (PDF, 600KB) and Student Information and communication technology (ICT) agreement form.
Parents, please come and visit the school - we will be very happy to guide you through our great school and certainly this is the best method of getting the feel of the school.
If you cannot download the document/s linked from this page, please contact us and we will provide a copy via the school office.